
What is the Evoked Set?

Question: what is the "evoked set"?

Answer: The evoked set - sometimes termed the "consideration set" or "choice set" - is the small group of brands that comes to a buyer’s mind when they think about purchasing a particular product or service. So, if we were to say to you, "washing machines", you are likely to be able to recall, from memory, a handful of key brands that are familiar to you, and which you would actively consider for purchase.

For B2B businesses with typically long sales cycles, it's crucial to be in your customers' evoked set for your market category, so that your brand is firmly front of mind at the exact point of customer need, and strongly associated as a potential solution to the specific problem that they've identified. Right place, right time.

As PR and marketing communication experts, we consider it our primary mission to get our clients into their key customers' evoked set - boosting brand value, lowering the cost of sales, and providing a platform for long-term business success.

To talk to us about our brand-building communication programmes for start-ups and scale-ups, email clientservices[at]evokedset[dot]com.


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